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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Just In Case Anyone Is Interested....Green Skies Update!

Had a bit of a marathon lettering session yesterday The Green Skies Vol. 3 Part III currently has been lettered up to page 100 and that is Chapter 38.

I might need to explain the chapter thing.

Basically, Return of the Gods had over 300 pages and the story was broken up into chapters. Green Skies has more pages in total but is, obviously, broken up into 4 parts. So volume 3 Part I begins with Chapter many chapters there will be in total I have no idea.  So Part III does not have 38 chapters itself!

Keeping things interesting for myself I have been cutting and changing dialogue because, as I have noted before, the book was due out in 2014 and references to "the virus"  I've updated and...big changes were made to one specific scene: No. 10 Downing Street home of the supposed Prime Minister. Gordon Brown was changed to David Cameron who became Theresa May and now...deep breath...Boris Johnson.

Only one person has so far seen Part I, hopefully soon Part II also, Part III won't be far behind that. Part IV has fewer pages so I'm hoping that I can get that done by the end of next week: hopefully not too ambitious...what day is it today?  Wednesday. So, it is possible.

I am King of British Comics after all.....can anyone hear grating teeth somewhere?  😂😂😂😂😂

But I'm getting there.  Then YOU have to buy the books. You read this so you HAVE to legally!!

I don't think that last bit will work somehow.


  1. crazy busy now - comment later.

  2. Sanpawābōi for Sun Power Boy? Very old translation of mine...
