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Thank You

Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 21 August 2020

Ten Years....Long Enough Test

I just posted this to the Face Book and since I've been culling my blogs left, right and centre....

I've been giving this a lot of thought since early this morning. Comments here total 6-7 since 2010. Which, let me tell you as a realist, is BAD.

In Photos there are 1,826 images in the albums ranging from page art, used/unused covers, comic strips and more.

Enough information to make most real comic fans happy for a while, especially while self isolating!

Most of these images have not seen looked at. In facyt 97% have no views.

Apathy is what basically killed Yahoo groups (before Yahoo did that themselves). This page was meant to connect with people interested in the books.

It failed dismally. Well, the page never failed -the comic 'fans' failed. 200+ per day that do not comment or buy books. Says a lot.

I cannot archive this page, it seems. But I am not going to knock myself out for an invisible audience with no real interest like I did at Yahoo.

So it's a case of just leave the page or close it. Not decided yet but whichever it is I'll continue with the blog to promote Black Tower books.

10 years of no reactions is a big enough waste of time.

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