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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Saturday 8 August 2020

Cinebook the 9th Art: AUTHORISED HAPPINESS 1

Authors: Jean Van Hamme & Griffo
Age: 15 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 56 colour pages
Publication: May 2020
ISBN: 9781849184472
£8.99 inc. VAT

When society pushes the ideals of social equality to their breaking point, the result can easily become plain absurd. 
For example, in order to avoid the chronic budget deficit of social security, what better way is there but to forbid people to take any chances with their health? Even if it leads to a Medical Police and fines for anyone not watching the weather forecast … 
Three Kafkaesque stories that paint a frightening picture of an over-regulated world.

Nice introduction by Van Hamme with a little background info on inspiration. There is a nice end note by Griffo -Werner Goelen.

With Van Hamme writing this you know it will be a good read -maybe even make you think.  Career Plan was nice. Never get too inquisitive might be a good title -or never ask too much about your job. The ending  leaves you hoping Mr Kowalski sticks to doing what he's told.

To Your Health has a pretty awful ending. Odd but something about the mandatory wearing of facemasks in public seemed familiar. Hooray for the Holidays! I think afterreading this I'd much more prefer Carry On Camping!

Interesting read but I'll still opyt for Dilworth's Dark Night Detectives!  With two more Authorised Happiness coming soon I hope the current clime does not make potential readers look to happier and brighter books....Cinebooks of course.

Give this a try

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