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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Thursday 27 August 2020

Cinebook The 9th Art Newsletter 152 - August 2020

Dear Reader,
It seems that conflict and revolution are the theme of choice this month, though we swear we didn’t plan it that way!
Beginning with the second volume of The Regiment, and the continuing story of how the Special Air Service was created. It’s history, it’s epic, it’s a terrific adventure, and it’s absolutely gorgeous. What’s not to like?
Next, we have XIII, and there is definitely something rotten in Jason McLane’s America. Bad guys with delusions of racial superiority and immense hidden power and wealth, nefarious plans unfolding … Fortunately, our hero is there to stop them. Right? I mean, it’s not like he’d join them or anything … ?
Finally, we have a much more light-hearted take on armed uprisings with the latest adventure of The Marsupilami. Let’s face it – it’s not easy oppressing the people when your jackbooted thugs are getting laid out by an angry Marsu on a mission. It makes for a hilarious story, though!
August with Cinebook - ¡Viva la revolución!

The Marsupilami 5
Batem & Yann and Franquin
Baby Prinz
In Chiquito, capital of Palombia, the old Marsupilami in the municipal zoo feels his end coming, and would like to die free, in the legendary Marsupilami graveyard. Warned by an escaped parrot, our Marsu sets off towards the city, along with Bip and Sarah, the two jungle orphans, to free his elder… s ... Read more

The Regiment
Legrain & Brugeas
The True Story of the SAS – Book 2
After the disaster that was their first mission, the SAS refused to give up, and their second wave of raids proved a powerful validation of the concept behind their unit. Unfortunately, they still have many enemies at headquarters, and now they must capitalise on their success... Read more

Jigounov & Sente
2,331 Yards
Jason McLane, a.k.a. XIII, seems to have finally accepted his true destiny. Tired of fighting the powerful elite who control the world, he has apparently joined them. Of course, he supposedly did so on orders from General Wolf, so as to bring down the sinister Mayflower Foundation at last, but … what if the temptation of power proved too strong... Read more
The Battle
Book 1

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