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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Tuesday 25 August 2020

The Green Skies...and D-Gruppe

Tomorrow I start lettering the last 20pp of The Green Skies. Yes, tomorrow should see the lettering completed so by Friday the source file and pdf will be done.

Yesterday was fun because I had forgotten that the German super team D-Gruppe featured in a good few pages. They are linked into The Trial of course that features in Black Tower Super Heroes. There were the D-Gruppe books but all of that was old material. The team leader Kopfmann disappeared during the Return of the Godsalong with a couple other members while pursuing a UFO.

The Green Skies pages are newer (2015) and introduce some German heroes that have appeared since the older stories. If you are not familiar with D-Gruppe and the origins here's some info:

I've said before that I could happily work solely on D-Gruppe permanently. It was supposed to have been published by Bastei in them 1980s but...

Anyway, once Green Skies and a couple other projects are done with....maybe.

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