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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 21 August 2020

Carlsen -Two New Peanuts Books

PEANUTS COMICSTRIPS: CONGRATULATIONS! (32, - Euro) is a more than 500-page volume with 1,500 strips that are being published in color for the first time. These are the daily trips from 1966 to 1970 that were colored for this edition. Whether it needed the color is an open question, but the strips are of timeless beauty and show Charles M. Schultz as an accomplished observer. He tells of everyday situations and finds punchlines in them that make you smile and laugh. It is also noticeable that Charlie Braun's T-shirt is not always yellow as it should be (e.g. on page 290).
If you think that the kids have long since discovered everything, Carlsen always surprises with new things. PEANUTS - THE COMICS(28 euros) includes comic books that the US publisher Dell produced in the 1950s and 1960s. A few of the short stories were written by Schulz himself, but the majority were from talented but at the time anonymous artists who mimicked the style of the Peanuts creator. These comics were never reprinted. For the present volume one had to fall back on the booklet publications. Accordingly, the pages are facsimile and give an idea of ​​how the notebooks used to be. Of course, the quality cannot be compared to brand new comics. You can tell the patina of the whole thing, but that also has its charm, as do the stories, which on four to eight pages leave a little more leeway to let the characters experience things that did not appear in the strips. The comics remain in the spirit of the original,

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