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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 16 August 2020


Author: Roger Leloup
Age: 8 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: May 2020
ISBN: 9781849185363
£7.99 inc. VAT

When Ingrid, Yoko’s organist friend, invites her to a German castle, what are the chances it’s merely for a concert? Among a collection of ancient instruments she is there to authenticate, Ingrid found a strange, technologically advanced device. It belonged to a physicist whose final work was, supposedly, a so-called ‘death ray’. 
Trouble soon follows, and to prevent a mysterious gang from stealing the horrific technology, Yoko and her friends may have no choice but … to use it.
Yoko Tsuno has always been a good read full of fun and action with some great scenes and this volume is no exception. Leloup created a heroine who travels the world and into space and yet remains with feet firmly on the ground.  
The fact that the main character is female should not matter and, honestly, it doesn't. No soppy love interests no "but I'm only a girl!" -thankfully.
I recommend the series for young and older readers and you'll find all of the volumes listed on Cinebook's web page!

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