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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 16 August 2020


Authors: Eric Stalner
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: June 2020
ISBN: 9781849184533
£7.99 inc. VAT

During the 1961 floods in Kansas, the Clown is searching a house, looking for important documents. When the police arrive, though, a shoot-out ensues that ends in the killer’s apparent death. And yet … 
By the time the owner of the house returns, along with Alex Poliac, the documents have disappeared, and Alex is convinced his old enemy is still alive. 
Meanwhile, FBI Agent Laura Kensington is arrested for treason …

Start as you mean to continue I guess by adding more bodies to the pile. Anyone keeping count?

Lovely detailed art and the colours by Jean-Jacques Chagnaud add to this as well as the atmosphere overall. The villain is, of course, a nasty piece of work but not stupid and cruel only when he needs to be which...well.

This is a road trip gone wrong in the worst possible way and you have to wonder how it ios going to end...badly?

Well, California next.  My guess is that the killer either becomes a hippy and finds peace and love or, more likely I'll admit, does some more murders.

Great read.

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