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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Sunday 16 August 2020


Authors: Leo & Rodolphe
Age: 12 years and up
Size: 21.7 x 28.7 cm
Number of pages: 48 colour pages
Publication: January 2020
ISBN: 9781849183956
£7.99 inc. VAT

Can a gunslinger ever retire, or is he condemned to die the way he’s lived?  
While escorting a prisoner, Trent stops in a very animated small town: the famous Wild Bill Turkey is passing through on his way to his bride.

 Bill is a legend among gunfighters of the Old West. An aging one, yes, but that doesn’t prevent him from coming to the Mountie’s help when a group of men try to free his prisoner.

A powerful man is behind that attempt, though, and both Trent and Bill suddenly become targets.

I've been a big fan of this series since volume 1 -even though I did wonder whether there was much more that could be done with a Mountie character. We've seen highs and lows with Trent's life and now he meeyts up with old Wild Bill himself.

The opening pages had me thinking several things. I was wrong with all of them! Rodolphe  and Leo deliver a great story -well paced and no "filler". Action, obviously and that includes gunplay but some might expect that considering the title of this volume!

LOVED the ending!

Western and action fans and anyone else who likes a good comic to read should enjoy this. I did and I'm a miserable....

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